Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a screwy weekend.

Didn't do my long run as I'd hoped. It was the "boy's weekend" - me and my buddies take the Family Day long weekend and go ice fishing. We rarely ever catch anything but a wicked hangover, horrible gas and unbelievable indigestion. As fishermen, we're great hockey players. This year we went the extra mile and DIDN'T EVEN FISH! We spent hours digging the trucks out of the snow along the horse path that serves as an access road to thecabin we rented (no wonder rent was FREE) and spent even MORE time slogging through three feet of snow hauling our supplies in and out. We could only get the trucks to within about 500 metres of the cabin, which had no electricity or heat. We lit the fire, and five hours later we were mostly thawed and fully inebriated. By the time we were ready to go the next morning, nobody had the energy or the inclination to fish. Hence, no running either. I did get plenty of exercise though, so all was not lost. So I have to find a few hours this week to get through a 29km run. Might have to do it in the dark. Tell anyone you meet that if they see a round, jiggly reflective thing coming at them down a side road that it's not an alien - it's your truly. Hitting Edmonton again this weekend to celebrate Leah's birthday - including the Colin James concert. Sunday morning I'll likely be at the St. Albert Running Room for a group run of some kind. Last time was really fun, and it looks like the weather should be okay too. The long runs are so much easier outside. We'll be in the fifth row at the concert - my wife singing at the top of her lungs to every song, and me grimacing with pain to the beat.

Less than four weeks to Rome.


PS: Topped the $10,500 mark this week in funraising. Thanks again to everyone who gave.


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