I'm back - finally. Sorry it took so long, but I've been REAL busy. Work, family, training - everything just walked up and bit me on the a$$. Which brings me to my last long run - 21kms! That's right campers, I ran a half marathon on Sunday and I didn't have a coronary! What does this have to do with my a$$? During the run, my precious derriere was chomped by a dog! If it hadn't happened to me, it would be funny. Yes, I know YOU find it funny but the teeth marks on my butt prevent me from chuckling very much. Regardless, I completed the distance anyway, and I have a great story to tell. In case you're wondering (or even if you aren't) I don't blame the dog. He was just doing what dogs do. I would, however, like to euthanize the owner.
Let's catch up on what has happened to the Fat Guy since October 2006.
Fundraising - I am officially at $9200 or so, on my way to $10,000. Job well done. Thanks to all my pledglings, and I look forward to making the draw to see who wins the gift I bring back from Italy.
Training - Fell off the wagon a time or two, but found new motivation on a beach in Mexico over the Christmas holiday. Being able to don a pair a shorts and a t-shirt and run along the ocean in December is something this northern Alberta boy could get used to. I ran more than 30km during the week I was there, and worked out just about every day too. However, too many cerveza and tequila cocktails likely didn't help the ol body. Great for the psyche though. Met some great folks from California at the hotel, and found out they have come to the same place for the past 27 years. They know the owners, and all the staf by name. Did you know they make between 4 and 8 dollars a DAY?! And they work very hard. Once I knew that I tipped extra, and they were extremely grateful. Kinda puts things into perspective.
Training has gone well since I set up the home gym, and outfitted myself for outdoor running in the dead of winter. I weight train daily now, and my weekly distance has increased to over 50km. Every 10k training run gets easier. I also picked up some proper replenishing products for my longer runs - electrolyte replacements instead of just water, and "Carb Boom" gel that give a real energy jolt when you need it. Wow, does it ever work.
The Run - Just registered for the race and the travel arragements last night with Team Diabetes, and it's beginning to seem very real now. I have to begin thinking about what we want to do while we're in Italy, but mostly I have to plan the time between when I leave home for Edmonton. We only have about 48 hours between when we land in Rome and the race, so I have to figure out how to prepare - sleep, food, hydration, jetlag. I'm kinda freakin' out about it.
Health - I am so pissed off. My diet and training schedule have been PERFECT for the past several weeks. So, I trundled off to the dietician office on Monday to wow her with my incredible weight loss. After all, I just blew a wad of cash on new clothes - 38 waist! New shirts - Large! Not XXL, not even XL. In September I weighed in at 237lb. Two days ago - 240! Yes I know I have been building muscle, yes it does weight more than fat, and yes I know I look and feel much better - darn near (dare I say it?) skinny. But CRAP! Adding pounds just rubs me the wrong way. But I'll get over it. And I WON'T change my diet or training. So there.
Six weeks, 4 days to race day. Relax. Breathe.
Another 10k run today, and I can't wait. I must be crazy, but I enjoy it more and more. Next time I'll tell you about my iPod win and the bellaclava bandit.
Til then, gotta run!
The Fat Guy