Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Here it is, the next fundraising event! I encourage everyone to come out for a good sweat, a funky t-shirt (it's got the Italian Smiley Running Dude on it) and a tasty spaghetti lunch. All the events start at the north end of the Cold Lake Marina parking lot. The 10K run goes out to Horseshoe Bay Estates and back, the 3K walk goes to Kinosoo Beach and back, and my personal favorite event, the FAT GUY 500 is a 500 metre walk/stroll/meander/wheelchair ride out to the end of the breakwater, then back to the Marina building for lunch! Everyone - even those who haven't left the house all summer - can take part in this one.

We plan to have plenty of information available on diabetes, plus we'll be providing water at the turn for the 10 and 3 K participants. Half of the registration fee is tax deductible, and you can register at ATB Financial in Cold Lake or Bonnyville. Hope to see you all Sunday October 1st at 10AM!

As for the Fat Guy training schedule . . .

Ran a full 10K in Red Deer last weekend. The Collicut Centre is a nice facility, but their track is mainly for walking. When I was done, my hips ached like I'd been doing "The Twist" for 24 hours straight. I know, it's a mental image even I don't want in my head. Regardless, it was a good run, and I felt real accomplishment with another 10K in my bag.

Then I went out with the gang from work tonight. Good time. Bad for the diet. Things started great, with platters of fresh veggies and dip. Then came the steaming hot platters of cholesterol death. Wings, onion rings, chicken fingers, deep fried EVERYTHING! It was, in a word, orgasmic. A word not normally associated with food, but for us fat guys (we know who we are), a fitting description nonetheless. I felt so guilty about powering back all the nastiness that I simply HAD to top it off with a monster piece of cake. With extra frosting. (sigh)

Back to the grind tomorrow. The blood sugar buzz is starting to wear off. Talk again soon.

The guilty Fat Guy

Friday, August 18, 2006

One man's junk is truly another man's treasure!

A big thank you to everyone who helped with our first fundraising "event" last weekend - the garage sale. While no actual garages were sold, I think we managed to empty several garages and storage rooms of our friends and families. Thanks to them for the donations, and thanks to our volunteers who helped convince our hundreds of patrons that "it's certainly worth 10 bucks, but for you - a buck." Also heard at the sale . . .

Patron: Two dollars for that? But I only have a dollar!
Volunteer: Okay, a dollar.
Patron: Good, now let's see what else I can find.

The toaster is broken, but the cord is worth at least a quarter

Chili cheese dogs, just four dollars! Low fat! Diabetes friendly!

I can't believe what people will buy for a dollar!

How am I going to get this sofa home in my compact car?

Does it work?

10 for a dollar! Okay, 15 for a dollar! Fine - as much as you can carry for a dollar!

But seriously, it was a huge success, and we raised over $2800 for the campaign. Half for me, half for Terry Wilson, my running partner. We'll be sure to give everyone credit for their contributions through charitable donation receipts from the Canadian Diabetes Association.

As for the training, its going well. Still doing my 7K run about every second day, and I think I'm still losing weight. My clothes tell me so. I put on some running shirts I bought last month at The Running Room, and they now fit! (There wasn't a single shirt there that fit when I tried them on, but I bought them anyway knowing that they would eventually.)

The next event is on the horizon . . . (fanfare please)

With the help of Paul Odell and the Enduros running club, Joe Bedard from JJ Parr Rec Centre and various sponsors, I'm hosting a fundraising run on Sunday, October 10th at the Cold lake Marina.

Why Marinarathon? Well, it goes along with the Rome theme (marinara sauce) and it begins with marina. Clever, eh?

The event starts at the Marina building at 10AM, and it's a 10K run for the hardcore runners, plus a 3K walk for the rest. As well, for those who want to help out the cause, but don't feel like walking so far, there's the "Fat Guy 500". This is a 500 metre walk/stroll/bike/drive, followed by lunch. Basically you walk to the end of the breakwater and back, then belly up to the pasta bar.

Participation for any of the distances is $30 and includes the official Marinarathon t-shirt, spaghetti lunch and bottled water. Look for posters and registration forms just as soon as I get them done, or just call me and I'll start a list. Every registrant will receive a charitable donation receipt for $15.

Til next time,

The Fat Guy

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Man Wins Race With Car - no injuries reported.

Here's the proof that I didn't just get the t-shirt and the number for the race last Sunday. Notice the cool shades and official "Running Room" hat (it was overcast - no shades or hat necessary). Also notice everyone who finished behind me. And then there's the whole "stuff jiggling under the shirt" action shot as I sprinted across the line. Believe it or not, I actually did sprint, hence the bizarre body shape. I couldn't get the picture to load the other night, so here it is. As I was loading it just now, I noticed for the first time that a CAR WAS FOLLOWING ME! See? Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're NOT being watched! And by the way, the little person in the midle of the road was handing me water, not oxygen. Although I could have used both.

I forgot to tell you that I used my latest gizmo in the race, the "Forerunner 201". It was on sale for 75% off so I bought it. It's a stopwatch/training assistant unit that has a GPS in it that can keep track of all my runs. It tells me how far and fast(slow) I go, even maps the distances and gives me directions on how to return to a starting point of my choice. It will be very useful in keeping my training schedule no matter where I happen to run. Plus . . . it is SO COOL! Let's face it, I don't really need such a toy, but I couldn't resist. The Running Room has quickly become my new candy store, and the Forerunner is like a big bag of soft chewy caramels!

By the way, thanks to my lovely wife Leah for taking the pictures. I hate having my picture taken, but I'm sure I'll appreciate them when I've completed my journey.

The Fat Guy